To be a truly Satanic band
doesn't mean to wear spikes, warpaint or tattoos with reversed crosses on
forehead. Clowns use Satanic image to sell albums to other clowns and losers. To
be a Satanist means to be elite. That's why I'm proud that this issue of Novum
Vox Mortis has the interview with one of the most hated and feared by the
Christians Vincent Crowley, Magister of the Church of Satan and the Priest of
UR - Temple Of The Vampire. Vincent and Peter H. Gilmore are the main forces
behind ACHERON, a cult death metal act. The band has just unleashed its totally
new album “Those Who Have Risen” on Full Moon Productions and I decided that it
would be a good reason for a short chat.
How are things going on in the
camp of ACHERON? I know that you had some line-up changes…
We have just been working on
getting the material down for our next album "The Apocalypse". We've
also recorded songs for several tribute albums, including tributes of BLACK
MAIDEN. Presently the band consists of Vincent Crowley on Vocals and Bass,
Michael Estes on Lead Guitar, Jonathan Lee on Drums, and we just hired ex-
ANGEL CORPSE guitarist Bill Taylor to be our Rhythm Guitarist. Peter H. Gilmore
is still doing intros for ACHERON albums and Adina Blase is the keyboardist we
are working with at live shows.
As far as I know, ACHERON
signed a multialbum deal with Moribund a couple of years ago, and “Those Who
Have Risen” was supposed to appear on this label. Still, the album was released
through Full Moon Productions. What are the reasons of this change?
After we recorded "Those
Who Have Risen", we waited for over a year for Moribund records to release
it. We couldn't wait anymore, it was delaying our careers. So Odin released us
of our contract and Full Moon Productions picked us up. I'm not sure what's up
with Moribund, but there are no hard feelings. Full Moon Productions has been
doing a great job this far.
ACHERON have existed for more
than ten years in metal scene. When did you become involved in music? At what
I started to play guitar at
the age of 16 years old and was in my first band by 18 years old. Bands like
down the path of Underground Metal. Satanism helped me decide my lyrical
Your latest album was inspired
by the Temple of Vampire myths. Why did you, the priest of the Church Of Satan,
become involved in another religious organization?
The Temple Of The Vampire is
based on an ancient practice of true Vampirism, stemming from UR. Their
practices are "very Satanic", but using other mythos of manipulation
and magic. A fellow Church Of Satan priest introduced me to the organization
and I have been a supporter ever since. Satan and Tiamat are true kindred
You say that vampires do
exist. You say that religions were created by vampires, vampires can fly, shift
shape and they have a superhuman strength. It sounds like a teenage Hollywood
horror movie, isn’t it?
You would really have to study
the practices of true Sumerian Vampirism to understand it totally. No, it is
not Hollywood bullshit, it is a real Occultic practice. Those who are predators
know the secrets to Vampirism.
Black metal bands like CRADLE
OF FILTH, DARK FUNERAL, etc. use vampiric image in their music. What does the
Temple of Vampire think about that trend in death/ black metal?
Music is a form of artistic
expression, so bands like that don't bother me at all. The Temple Of The
Vampire has no problem with these bands. But again, you would have to know the
ideas of the Temple. I think today's metal scene has unique bands and clone
bands. I'm sure you can tell which ones are which. The original bands will
always prevail. But ACHERON form of Vampirism is nothing like the ideas set
forth by other bands. People who read our lyrics know we are not drones.
As a priest of the Church Of
Satan, how could you describe your religion?
Satanism is the worship of the
self. Satan is an archetype, not an actual being. Satanism is a balance of
everything. We are the predators of the world that use the forces of Darkness
to manipulate the powers of magic. "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey
tells it like it is. Satanism is reality!
Many people think that the
Satanists are the same as the Christians: they use pentagrams, reversed
crosses, etc. Don't you think that it would be easier for you not to use such
an image and choose a less radical name for your church?
No, Satan is the perfect
metaphor. In mythology he was the one who wanted to rise above God and rule his
own kingdom. The symbols we use are very powerful ones and we use them with
pride. The Church Of Satan could care less about how the masses perceive them
as being. The elite will seek us out. The age of Satan is upon us, beware!
I know that the Church Of
Satan had problems with the house of Anton LaVey about a year ago…
Thus far nothing has happened
yet. But the battle still rages on. We hope to save it as a Satanic museum for
Church Of Satan members. May the fires of Hell forever burn in your souls! AD
lives on!
I know that you tore the Bible
in front of 2000 Christians. You do the Bible studies?
Some asshole Christian
preacher was debating me at a church and he started to mock our album
"Rites of the Black Mass”, saying it was "evil" and that it was
leading children into Satanism. After he threw down our CD, I showed him the
same respect he had shown me. I held up a "Holy Bible" and ripped it
up on the altar of the church. This pissed off a lot of pious Jesus freaks. We
were then told to leave and were escorted out the side doors by the police. It
was great fun! I love making Christians angry. Fuck them and their God!